Come Get Some!
The Caco Project
Not So Retro
Build Engine released by Ken Silverman on September 30th, 1995 was what started out as a project by himself but eventually resulted in him talking to John Carmack earlier into the project. Build Engine is what got Silverman hired by 3D Realms which would then lead up to the most infamous game that would kill a franchise, this game is none other than Duke Nukem: Forever as Duke Nukem went from a Hero to a Zero during the fall of 3D Realms and the Merging with Gearbox, Duke Nukem Forever shown to the Public in 1997 would not see a full release until 2011 in which the game became a critical failure and ended up killing the franchise that was once loved by many. Recently the files for the 2001 version of the game has been leaked and people have been collectivly trying to restore what could have brought Duke back.
© Rigel Winsor 2077-55=2022