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The Caco Project
Not So Retro
The Union Aerospace Corporation was made as a company inside of the Doom Universe but not much of that matters when it comes to the Caco Project. We here at (Insert Company Name Here) Only care about the torment some of these creatures have been put through. Like this weird living tomato creature for some reason. Tell me why we are making this website again? NO SERIOUSLY, I WANT TO KNOW! Did we just think this was a good idea to put on a website like this and just call these weird floating Eyeball Demons Tomatos!? Anyways back to what I was saying, Cacodemons or as we call them The Cylcops Tomato are one of the weirdest creatures to come out of this invasion. They are basically this weird red scaly thing with one green eye and I honestly don't know any better way to describe these, Just look at the images.
© Rigel Winsor 2077-55=2022